Simplex filters

Simplex series identifies a range of single-body static filters, whose filtering set can be cartridges or baskets.

The ease of operation makes them suitable for a wide range of applications.


The fluid crosses the filter elements, which hold all the impurities equal to the granulometric dimensions required.

The large filtering surface of which they are equipped allow considerable accumulation of impurities, making maintenance very sporadic.

Special features and benefits:

– Accurate execution which ensure at all points a seal equal to the selected filtration degree.
– High filtering surfaces.
– High accumulation capacity.
– Low pressure drop.
– High security and efficiency.
– Reduced size.
– Possibility of installation both vertically and horizontally.


SIMPLEX Filters can be supplied in two different versions (both for vertical and horizontal mounting)

SIMPLEX/ Z (vertical):





SIMPLEX/ I (vertical):



SIMPLEX/ OR (horizontal):




Main components:
– A welded body with IN / OUT flanged.
– A filtering set (basket or cariltering elements.
– Differential pressure switch (optional).
– Safety valve (optional).

Technical data:

DN (inches) ½”÷ 30″
Filtering Degree (microns) >1

DN (inches) ½”÷ 30″
Filtering Degree (microns) >1

Filters can be made of different materials and protections that will be defined in agreement with the customer’s requirements.